I don't have any pictures this time but I just wanted to share some highlights.
* I feel so much movement! This guy is the biggest kicker especially when I am trying to sleep. I love it though and I especially love seeing my belly move. Every time it makes me feel so blessed and I feel so much love for this little human growing inside of me. I can't wait to meet him.
* I am one week away from being in the third trimester! Yay! I can't believe how fast things are moving. Ryan and I were talking the other night and realized we only have 14 weeks left. How crazy is that?
* Maybe not a highlight but something new that is happening. The child found my ribs... Seriously the most uncomfortable feeling ever but I still I love feeling him move even if it does hurt a little..
* Next week is my glucose test. The dreaded appointment that every pregnant woman warns you about. I am not too concerned about drinking it I am more concerned about the whooping cough shot they are going to give me at that appointment too. I don't mind getting my blood drawn but I hate shots.. Do what I gotta do.
* I think my belly button is going to pop out soon. I don't want that to happen! It will look like I have a nipple sticking out of my belly.. Too bad they don't make belly button bras. I would wear one!
* Sleeping sucks. That is all.
Well, we are just chugging along and will have a baby in no time. We are so excited and can't wait to meet out little guy.