Monday, March 26, 2012

Baby Projects

No these are not baby projects for me but for my friends who recently had their babies. I took an idea off of Pinterest and made it my own and adding embellishments to onesies is now my new favorite baby project ever! I love this project because onesies are inexpensive and I use scrap fabric from my very large fabric stash. So all the expecting mothers that I know will be getting their own personalized baby onesies too.

My first attempt was with this cute little birdie onesie for my friend Jenaca's sweet baby girl Brindy. I just have to say that Brindy is absolutely adorable! She is so teeny tiny and I just love her already. Since both Brad and Jenaca's families live in Cody I am officially claiming Brindy as my adoptive niece (I still need to inform Jenaca of this plan)...

I pieced this little bird together with scraps, zigzagged the edges and added a button eye. Sorry the pics are so small! I don't know why that happens.

The next little baby that received some onesies is Courtney's baby boy Karsten. Ryan and I just went over today to give them to Courtney and once again he is adorable. He has blonde hair and just slept in my arms the entire time I held him. So cute! (Can you tell... I'm a little baby hungry!) Courtney and her little family will be moving to Arizona and I am sad that we didn't get to know them better while they were here. I learned my lesson, I need to be more friendly and hang out with friends more before they move away!

Here is a little car. The tires have little buttons but its hard to see in this tiny picture.

And I made a monster! Ryan said he looks like Mike on Monsters Inc.

And my favorite, the whale!

With this project I discovered Heat Bond! Why I have never used it before is a mystery.. Why nobody ever told me about it is also a mystery. It is the absolute best invention ever! If I didn't want to sew anything I don't have to! But of course I love adding the little zigzag around the edges to make it look finished and extra cute. I am so obsessed with making these and it is so easy. I plan on making some for my four nieces (one on the way) and one nephew next. Then my own when that time comes.

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